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COVID-19 Proving the Power Of Working from Home

COVID-19 has taught nations across the globe valuable lessons. Countries at the frontline have tested their strategies while others trailing behind have learned from their leads and refined their approach to obstruct the same mistakes from occurring. The one priority that remains unanimous in every country’s decision is protecting the health and well-being of individuals. With many isolated at home, port and terminal operations are at a standstill. As a result, Cloud TOS solutions are true testaments reminding the economy it can still operate despite the events of COVID-19 shackling industries.

Given the infectious nature of the virus, Cloud TOS’ offering flexibility to work from anywhere is no longer a novel idea. Terminal operators could consider it as a viable alternative to contain the spread but also sustain the supply chain. The speed and scale of the outbreak could expedite the use of Cloud TOS in the future and lead an increase in automation equipment adoption. Practice preventative measures with the Cloud TOS since it offers:

  • Fleksibilitas – The Cloud TOS offers a safe and secure environment for TOS users to work from home. Cloud TOS features and functionality are exactly as on-premise TOS except on-site presence is not a requirement. Contact is limited to zero because planning, monitoring and control decisions can be made on a workspace from any web-enabled device.
  • Otomatisasi – Automated CHEs interfaced with the cloud TOS will further reduce the need for human interaction. The combination will exist as a powerful solution that can jumpstart and strengthen all inactive nodes of the supply chain. Now is the time to consider moving onto the cloud and get serious about investing in automation.
  • Massive Savings – Inconsistent numbers of imports and exports, scarce resources, and yard space not used to its full capacity are strong reasons to adopt a Cloud TOS. Operating on a pay-per-use model offers terminal operators the flexibility to plan for what is needed. Therefore, the structure of the payment model only calculates charges according to the number of TEUs currently in the yard.
  • No up-front investments – Implementing new TOS infrastructure changes are attached to misconceptions of a costly investment. The Cloud TOS, on the contrary, requires no up-front investments, completely free of charge right from deployment. Moving TOS capabilities into the cloud can save ports and terminals that may struggle to make it out from the pandemic.

It’s a crucial time to start instilling safe practices for healthy wellbeing and sustainable economy. When a catastrophe of this magnitude brings immediate attention and forces restructuring, it’s not entirely impossible or too late to leverage control before it entirely implodes.
