Pemimpin di solusi TOS
Sukses Anda, Komitmen Kami
Sejak tahun 1991 RBS telah dan masih menyediakan layanan dan produk TI untuk Industri Penanganan Pengiriman Kontainer dan Kereta Api, setelah mengembangkan Sistem aplikasi Perangkat Lunak Tercanggih yang sangat spesifik untuk Industri Penanganan Kontainer. Kami telah melakukan banyak instalasi TOPS yang sukses, membantu terminal di seluruh dunia mencapai inovasi dan pertumbuhan. Aplikasi ini, solusi Sistem Operasi Terminal TOPS telah diinstal pada operasi Penanganan Kontainer di Australia, Brasil, Mesir, Prancis, Jerman, Indonesia, Italia, Jepang, Lithuania, Selandia Baru, Panama, Rumania, Taiwan, Togo, dan Vietnam.
Implementasi TOS kami di Seluruh Dunia
Testimoni Pelanggan
Thank you, RBS, your product, and services provided are unparalleled, and we have yet to witness better. It’s a pleasure working with you, and we look forward to the continued benefits of using TOPS Automation module to operate our ARTGs.
TPKS Terminal
We are glad that we chose RBS TOPS for our terminal operating system as it has helped us break records and has been the main pillar of our terminal success.
Tan Cang - Cai Mep International Terminal (TCIT)
During the whole project, RBS and the local team from RBS EMEA has shown great dedication to us as a customer and also our main shareholder TIL. Also in difficult times and when hitting bumps on the road of such a project, there has always been a team spirit.
Seayard Terminal
Being the largest container terminal in Vietnam at the moment, we have grown from an annual throughput of 1.6M TEUs to well over 3.8M TEUs last year with current daily gate operation exceeding 10,000 trucks in/out of the terminal.
Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP)
Last year, our TOPX Advance uptime reached 99.9% already surpass our standard uptime in our Terminal. And our equipment performance at the STS is 27 moves per hour.
PT Terminal Teluk Lamong
At TIL, we know TOPS as a functional, reliable and performing TOS that is ready for the far and near future due to its exceptional software architecture and roadmap.
Klaipedos Smelte Terminal