The Foundation System.
With numerous years of experience in successful software development, RBS has translated this knowledge into a tangible one of a kind TOPS Expert terminal operating system. A component of TOPS Expert is TOPO, the foundation system supplying terminals with high-grade control capabilities to manage information and operations efficiently.
Information and data become increasingly challenging to manage adequately, especially when dealing with immense container throughput. With that in mind, TOPO as a terminal foundation system, provides sophisticated but easy-to-use functionalities to automatically retrieve and manipulate information. No matter how big or small the pool of data is, performance is unfailing.

TOPO Expert

TOPO Expert is a full foundation and documentation system with:
- Open Interfaces via web services
- EDI server – handling all EDI traffic
- Report Server – handling all scheduled reporting from the system
- Gate Management / GOS Connection
- Data Management
- CFS integration and service management
- Billing integration
- Report designer
- VGM ready
- Rail setup & Train scheduling
- Many more features listed below
Evolving the way you view and manage data

The TOPO system owes its user-friendly nature due to its intuitive GUI that is very familiar to users of MS Windows. It supplies many standard Windows features such as exporting every list from the system on-the-fly to Excel or HTML. It is also built on a Cloud architecture application, which can connect to any enterprise database such as the Oracle database. This infrastructure has streamlined numerous complex processes to deliver one remarkably easy-to-use solution. Access to the cloud solution is granted through a browser. Simple as that.
All information is shared within the whole TOPS package between TOPO and TOPX, facilitating seamless and consistent information flow from the foundation system to the graphical planning system. These two modules combine to create a complete and powerful terminal operating system that supports every aspect of a terminal down to the granular details.
TOPO Offers a wide range of features:
Modules of TOPO – and many more